Call for Paper

The 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems (ICSPIS 2024) will be organized by the Shahrood University of Tchnology in co-operation with the Permanent Secretariat of ICSPIS. The conference will be held from 25 to 26 December 2024. The ICSPIS 2024 is programmed with the aim of extending the technical knowledge to provide a forum for exchanging technical and scientific findings, presenting the latest research results, and encouraging the participation of researchers. During the conference, workshops and tutorials, exhibitions and industrial panel discussions will be held by intellectuals and experts in academia, industry and related organizations.

This conference, with the aim of benefiting from the experiences and creating a suitable context for increasing content richness in this field, has the readiness to attract scientific and research papers of experts in the form of the below mentioned topics. All interested persons are invited to submit their papers to the conference in the following fields:

Track 1: 

  • Signal Processing
  • Medical Image Processing
  • Audio and Speech Processing
  • Image and Video Processing
  • Remote Sensing 

Track 2: 

  • Pattern Recognition
  • Machine Learning
  •  Data Mining
  • Robotics
  • Soft Computing

Track 3:

  •  Smart Computer Networks 
  • Smart Grids 
  • Internet of Things 
  • Industrial Automation


Important Dates:

Paper Submission Deadline: October 21, 2024

Notification of Acceptance: November 21, 2024

Final Version Submission:  November 27, 2024

Registration Start Time: November 22, 2024

Registration Deadline: December 4, 2024

Notification of  Schedule: December 15, 2024

Conference Date: December 25-26, 2024

Conference Countdown
5 month(s), and 1 day(s)
Latest News


Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: October 21, 2024

Notification of Acceptance: November 21, 2024

Final Version Submission:  November 27, 2024

Ragistration Start Time: November 22, 2024

Registration Deadline: December 4, 2024

Notification of  Schedule: December 15, 2024

Conference Date: December 25-26, 2024

Contact Us

Postal Address: Faculty of Electrical Eng, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood,Iran
Tel: +982332300250
Fax: +982332300250
Email: icspis

Conference Correspondence: Dr. Alireza Ahmadyfard


Postal Address: Central Library, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahroud, Iran

Google Scholar
Last Update

July 22, 2024

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